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January 18, 2005
For Michele, Kristen, Christine, et al.
Very recently (like this past weekend, maybe two whole days ago) I was at a gathering with one or more of you. There were several of these this weekend, so I am unsure when exactly it was. This is, however, totally irrelevant.
What is relevant, though, is this:
Someone - perhaps Brian Danny, perhaps not - was talking about a new show, possibly from the Buffy creator people called "Point _________".
Not "Point Blank," mind you, but rather "Point (something that couldn't be recalled at time of repeated mentionings)."
Anyway, I've seen several commercials today for a primetime show called "Point Pleasant."
It premiers tomorrow night on FOX.
It seems like a supernatural mystery thriller type show.
Could this be it?
I don't know if this is old news, or total BS. I've never seen any Buffy, or Alias, but I am still a fan of the hour long drama, and I appreciate and relate to your passion and fervor for your shows of choice. That said, I'm just putting this out there in the ether in case, 'cause I wouldn't want you to miss out on a potential new induglence because I didn't say shit.
Your friend in Davis, California
Posted by kati at 10:54 PM
January 13, 2005
Wrap the boy in shiny paper
Bored at work?
Perhaps you are.
Or maybe at school, or even at home.
If you ever find yourself here, staring up at the ceiling, when your Kingdom of Loathing game has long ceased to hold your interest, have a poke around my favorite sparkly Brit Eddie's tricked out site. It's got sounds, games, video, stuff. It's quite cool, and very Eddie. Mmmm.
Also, here's why a little mascara can do amazing things,
Even for you gents.
Posted by kati at 12:45 PM